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Snow Days

January in Missouri means "snow days" and that means "catch-up days" for me. I am using these "stay-at-home" days to "catch-up." And it is bringing some order and serenity to my home. My last post was in August! I am so sorry! So in 2024, I will attempt to "catch-up"!

I was so honored last Sunday to be a prayer leader during the Community Call to Prayer held in the rotunda of our Missouri State Capital. Though there were just a few of us due to weather concerns, we prayed for our government, education and Israel and the Church. The latter was my topic. Why is Israel and the Church so important? I will attempt to explain.

When it was my turn to speak during the Capital prayer service, I introduced the topic by telling the intercessors that the best Christmas gift I received this Christmas was all my children and their families attended and worshipped with us at our little church's annual Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. I was so blessed as we circled the sanctuary with other families Other parents in the audience at the capital nodded their heads in understanding.

That warm feeling of seeing our family together in unity gives me an awareness of how our Father in Heaven is blessed when He sees his children worshipping together in unity. ALL his children-Jew and Gentile.

And how grieved He must be when there is even a hint of anti-semitism--especially in the Church! Through the ages, the church adopted a theology called "Replacement Theology". It is the idea that the church replaced Israel. I owe a depth of gratitude to Marilyn Griffin and Ministries of New Life for opening my eyes to the fact that the church did NOT replace Israel. No, in fact, according to the Apostle Paul in Romans 11:18, "You do not support the root, but the root supports you." Where would we be without the Jewish patriarchs? they faithfully penned the Word of God and have preserved it to our benefit! And of course, there is the fact that God's only begotten Son is Jewish. We westerners tend to forget that. Anti-semitism is really an Antichrist spirit!

So last Sunday afternoon, our small group prayed against the Antichrist spirit invading our culture and we gave thanks for the churches in our state and nation who support and pray for Israel.

"I will make you into a great nation,

I will bless you,

I will make your name great,

and you will be a blessing.

I will bless those who bless you,

I will curse anyone who treats you with contempt,

and all the peoples on earth will be blessed through you." Genesis 12:2&3



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