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Look! The bridegroom!

Isn't this a lovely open-air chapel? We discovered this little gem when we stopped for lunch on our way home from delivering our granddaughter to kamp. Once again, Johnny Morris has preserved history and nature. This time he restored an old mill on the James River right off of Highway 65 in Ozark, Missouri, known as Finley Farms. The restaurant is a farm-to-table affair and absolutely delicious, with delectable treats such as the green tomato cake we enjoyed. Wouldn't this serene church in the valley host a sweet wedding?

We are eagerly anticipating a wedding in our family in just two weeks! Excitement is mounting, new clothes are waiting in our closet, gifts are wrapped, ready to present to the couple, and plans are made to meet up with extended family during the big event. In the meantime, I am reading R. T. Kendall's book, "Midnight Cry".

The former pastor of Westminster Chapel, Dr. Kendall urges of to be ready for our Bridegroom's return to claim His bride, the church. This season of Teshuvah (this 40 days of repentance began last night) is a good time to do some self-examination in preparation for HIS return...

The first question to ask myself is, "Am I eagerly anticipating the Bridegroom's return?"

Do I really believe He is coming back for His bride? Or do I just simply choose to think about something else...important things, like, "What am I going to make for dinner tomorrow?" I really want Him to return? I'm quite comfortable in my home in the country. Am I loving the creation more than the Creator? (Romans 1:25) Am I dressed in fine linen, dazzling white and clean - signifying the righteous acts of the saints (Revelation 19:8) or am I like the members of the church in Laodicea - thinking they were rich, having prospered and grown wealthy and in need of nothing but not knowing that they were wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked. (Revelation 3:17)

I've been quiet for awhile. No time to blog as I recovered from surgery, caught up on housework, planted garden and played with my Grands. But this is the season of Teshuvah- repentance and returning to our First Love. Will you join me in preparing to meet our Bridegroom-Yeshua Jesus?

"But at midnight there was a shout 'Look! The bridegroom! Go out to meet him.'" Matthew 25:6


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