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Jew and Gentile/One New Man

Community Call to Prayer For America met in the rotunda of the Missouri State Capitol on Sunday afternoon, September 8, with "As Goes the Church, So Goes the Nation" as the mandate from Coordinator Lana Olney. Pastor Noah Angel led the group in the scripture reading and prayer concerning "We Are Called to be the Salt and the Light". Among the scriptures Pastor Noah chose was Mark 9:49-50: "For everyone will be seasoned with fire, and every sacrifice will be seasoned with salt. Salt is good, but if the salt loses its flavor, how will you season it? Have salt in yourselves, and have peace with one another." Mark 9:49-50

Lana invited me to choose the Biblical text for "The Jew and the Gentile Are One New Man In Yeshua Jesus". The Phillips Translation on Ephesians 2:14-15 says, "For Christ is our living peace. He has made a unity of the conflicting elements of Jew and Gentile by breaking down the barrier which lay between us. By His sacrifice He removed the hostility of the Law, with all its commandments and rules, and made in Himself out of the two, Jew and Gentile, one new man, thus producing peace.

This is my prayer:

Our Father,

Thank You for Your kindness in hearing our prayers. Thank You for being slow to anger, plenteous in kindness, plenteous in Truth, keeping kindness unto thousands, forgiving iniquity, forgiving transgression, forgiving sin and pardoning us. Thank You for correcting us when we are out of alignment with You and giving us the gift of repentance and restoration.

Our Father, we thank You for grafting us into Your beloved family, Israel. Your Word In Isaiah 49:3 says, "And the LORD said to Me, 'You are My Servant, Israel, in whom I will show My glory." Thank You that You have grafted Jew and Gentile together in Yeshua Jesus, as One New Man.

Our Father, we thank You that the Jews have preserved and protected Your Word through the ages. We thank You for making Your Word so available to each of us and we thank You for giving us Your Holy spirit as our teacher. We thank You for giving us the teachings of the disciples and the apostles and we thank You for pastors and shepherds who teach and preach the Truth-both Old and Renewed Covenants.

Our Father, we sadly confess that many of us have never been taught what Your Word says in Ephesians 2:14 and 15 that Yeshua Himself is our peace and our bond of unity between Jew and Gentile. Yeshua has made both groups, Jew and Gentile, into one body and broke down the barrier which lay between us.

Our Father, we confess and repent that we do not always treat Israel as the apple of Your eye. In fact, we have been anti-semitic, arrogant, and prideful. We have even tried to make Yeshua Jesus look European or western instead of Middle Eastern.

Our Father, we confess and repent that we fail to pray for the peace of Jerusalem as You have commanded us to pray. And so, right now, WE pray for the peace of Jerusalem for You are Peace, Yeshua, THE PRINCE OF PEACE.

Our Father, we confess that we are more concerned with self, and numbers, and having our ears tickled than we are concerned about what Your Word says and so we repent and we pray Yeshua's prayer in John 17, "Sanctify them in truth; Your word is truth."

Our Father, we ask Your forgiveness and we pray that we may be united in You so that the world may believe that You so loved the world that You sent Your only begotten Son, Yeshua, so that whosoever believes in You shall not perish but have eternal life.

"Now to Him who is able to do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be the glory in the eklesia and in Yeshua Mashiach throughout all generations forever and ever."

In the name of Yeshua Jesus, we pray for our good and Your glory, Amen.

The awesome worship team leads us in spiritual songs between prayers. Following the beautiful HOLY, HOLY, HOLY and HERE AS IN HEAVEN, Pastor Doug Crader led us in scripture and prayer on the subject of "Father Teaches Us to Love and Protect His Babies, Children and Youth." He explained that Amendment 3's legality is being debated in the Missouri Supreme Court this Tuesday morning, September 10, at 8:30. Just this evening, Attorney General Jay Ashcroft has decertified the Amendment 3 petition.

According to Missourians Protecting Children and Families, this Amendment would allow abortion on demand, pregnant minor children would no longer need their parent's permission to receive an abortion, all safety standards for abortions would be removed from the law, abortion facilities will be allowed to receive taxpayer funding, and it would pave the way for more children to be groomed in a destructive life of transgenderism, including allowing harmful drugs and devastating, irreversible surgical body alterations.

Our Father, we pray that the Missouri Supreme Court will vote to remove Amendment 3 from the November 5 Ballot! We thank You for government officials and judges who vote to protect our children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren from this child abuse!


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